
Welcome to my library! After fighting through the first half of The Jungle for the third time, (worth reading? Absolutely. Worth reading for a second or third time because you forgot you read it the first time? Not so much.) I decided I needed to start tracking both the books I’ve read and my opinions about them. Goodreads is fun and all, but it didn’t satisfy my need to shout into the void about the latest and greatest. Plus if you make your own website you get to control how its organized.

My opinions and analysis likely vary depending on my mood and the season, but I try to keep the final ratings as consistent as possible. As such, please see my criteria below.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Mind blowing/groundbreaking, buy a physical copy to keep and reread. Some books will break into the 5 star category simply because I know I’ll read them many more times in the future
⭐⭐⭐⭐ - really enjoyable, might reread/buy but nothing new
⭐⭐⭐ - solid book, some issues. Not worth buying but maybe check it out from the library
⭐⭐ - either I liked it but thought it was poorly written, or I acknowledge it was well written but I hated it
⭐ - Did not finish

Bullet Journal book tracker doodle, with a book spine drawn for each book read in a year


The Wallflower Wager