The Old Woman with the Knife
The interlacing power dynamics inherent in age, gender, physical strength, and force of personality are pulled together to showcase how quickly the solid ground beneath you can turn into quicksand if you misjudge any single factor in a high-pressure situation. Hornclaw brings the audience along with her as she fights to remain in the present even as she’s pulled more and more into the past, recalling her history as though each decades-old memory happened only yesterday.
This book is like nothing I’ve read before but everything I wanted a thriller to be. I paired it with a fresh sliced Palisade peach because I ended up craving fruit every time Hornclaw visited the fruitseller’s stand, and because it was peach season when I read this and they’re my absolute favorite fruit. Three cheers to Gu Byeong-Mo and her translator Chi-Young Kim, both of whom did an absolutely incredible job!