From Here To Eternity

A phone resting on a pair of blue/green/yellow colorknit mittens. The phone screen shows the From Here to Eternity audiobook


From Here To Eternity was fun, but not memorable. Best paired with a semi-challenging project that needs a background book you can fade in and out on without guilt.

Learning about various death-related rituals around the world was cool, and I did appreciate the author's focus on emphasizing that people like what they grew up with - no ritual is bad, people just have strong reactions when death and the unfamiliar are combined.
That being said, other aspects of her book were really frustrating. I suppose it is good to learn how much of the American funeral tradition is really a product of the funeral business maximizing profits, but what can I do with that information? If I wanted to push for change, who would I contact? Are there groups working on this? I realize that providing next steps is asking a lot for a pop science book, but even just adding suggested resources in an appendix would have been appreciated. Overall not a bad read, but check it out from the library instead of buying.

Fingerless Colorwork Gloves

  • 3 colors of yarn

  • Double pointed needles

  • Many, many youtube tutorials on what ‘colorwork’ and ‘knitting in the round’ even are

Assuming you, like me, go straight from 0 to 60 and learn to knit by making fingerless gloves… this audiobook will cover about half of the first one. Make sure to pick out yarn that feels nice because you will be working with it for far longer than you think going in.

You can find the pattern I used here.




The Wallflower Wager